Clean Hydrogen Partnership
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Horizon Europe
18 April 2023 at 15:00:00
Varies by call topic

The Clean Hydrogen Partnership is launching its hydrogen research call for proposals with €195 million being made available for funding new projects in an unprecedented drive to support the creation of cutting-edge hydrogen technologies
The Call addresses key priorities (identified by the new Strategic Research Agenda) within different areas of research and innovation, with direct and quantified impact towards the achievement of the objectives of the Clean Hydrogen JU.
Several topics are available and include:
• Renewable Hydrogen Production
• Hydrogen Storage and Distribution
• Hydrogen End Uses: Transport Applications
• Hydrogen End Uses: Clean Heat and Power
• Cross-cutting Topics
• Hydrogen Valleys
• Strategic Research Challenges
A total of 26 topics will be part of the call for proposals, including 7 for renewable hydrogen production, 5 for hydrogen storage and distribution, 3 for transport and 4 for heat and power. In addition, 3 projects will support cross-cutting issues. This call will also support 2 hydrogen valleys and 2 strategic research challenge.
The topics will be grouped into 11 Innovation Actions (IA), 13 Research and Innovation Actions (RIA) and 2 Coordination and Support Actions (CSA). 5 Innovation Actions (IA) are considered of strategic importance and are selected as flagship projects, expected to have a significant impact on accelerating the transition to a hydrogen economy.